Cryptocurrency Training & Education

We create training courses that focus on making money with Cryptocurrency in different ways.
Cryptocurrency is the biggest oppourtunity for creating wealth in this generation.

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Last Updated: July 19, 2020


Watch Time: 3h 50m


Instructor: Bob Charles


Member Access: FREE


Staking, otherwise known as Proof of Stake involves buying a coin and keeping it in a wallet for a fixed period of time. This is similar to putting your money into a fixed deposit at a bank like a GIC. For a fixed bank deposit, you are paid an interest rate as a reward. For Proof of Stake, you are paid additional coins as a reward.

To earn coins from Proof of Stake you just need to hold a certain amount of coins in a wallet for a fixed amount of time. Once you’ve mined or purchased enough coins to stake a Cryptocurrency it could become very lucrative.

By the end of this training module you’ll have a good understanding of what’s involved in Staking Cryptocurrency coins. You’ll learn how it works and what you need to get started.

Once you finish this course, you may want to check out some of our other training courses. We have several training courses where we focus on specific areas of Cryptocurrency.


Discover how to profit from buying Cryptocurrency during a company’s “ICO” or Initial Coin Offerings stage.
Learn how to earn Cryptocurrency by using your computer and/or your computer’s graphics hardware.